Where: rustiQue|studios [1701 1st Avenue South, Seattle]
RSVP: here
Alyce McQueen (Long Beach)
Calcagno Cullen (San Francisco)
Christie Nuell (Murfreesvoro, TN)
Derek Larson (Seattle)
Jonathan Hughes (Seattle)
Jorge Catoni (Santiago, Chile)
Justin Lee Martin (Seattle)
Kacey Morrow (Bellingham)
Kurtis Hough (Portland)
Matt Nixon (Portland)
Mike No (Fredricksburg, VA)
Nicole Sloan (Long Beach)
Jerk with a Camera
Tony Durke (Vancouver, BC)
Troy Gua (Seattle)
Walter Wittel (Seattle)
Amateur Radio Operator (Seattle)
GEMS (Seattle)
The Way We Were in 1989 (Seattle)