audio.visual SHOW | DEC 1ST

Interstitial Theatre is pleased to announce the inclusion of sixteen artists chosen from over a hundred submissions from across the country and around the world to be part of our Audio-Visual Show on Thursday, December 1 from 9pm - 1am.

The video work of the chosen sixteen artists will be projected and play continuously during a concert performance by the GEMS, The Way We Were in 1989 , and the improvised stylings of Amateur Radio Operator creating a live perchance ephemeral collaboration between musicians and visual artists. And as an added bonus audience members will also be able to listen-in via headphones to the original sound of the videos during the concert to further explore the stimulating occurrences taking place at that moment.

Alyce McQueen (Long Beach) - Calcagno Cullen - Christie Nuell (Murfreesvoro, TN) - Derek Larson - Jonathan Hughes (Seattle) - Jorge Catoni (Santiago, Chile) - Justin Lee Martin - Kacey Morrow (Bellingham) - Kurtis Hough (Portland) - Matt Nixon (Portland) - Mike No (Fredricksburg, VA) - Nicole Sloan (Long Beach) - Jerk with a Camera - Tony Durke (Vancouver, BC) - Troy Gua (Seattle) - Walter Wittel (Seattle)

Amateur Radio Operator (Seattle) - GEMS (Seattle) - The Way We Were in 1989 (Seattle)

Join us @RustiQue studios [1701 First Ave. South] for first Thursday at Interstitial Theatre on December 1 from 9pm-1am ($5 donations accepted at the door).