Past Exhibit - March 2014

reilly-sinanan-Untitled 01Reilly Sinanan

anna-czoski-artifactAnna Czoski

Alice-Gosti-I-Will-Follow YouAlice Gosti

Kinetic Thirds at SOIL Gallery

A Curatorial Project of Interstitial Theatre
3 artists (Anna Czoski, Alice Gosti and Reilly Sinanan) investigate
 boundaries between performance and video art.

OPENING: March 6th, 6pm-8pm

SOIL Gallery: 112 3rd Ave S, Seattle

performance + video art


reilly-sinanan-Untitled 02

Anna Czoski
"I'm fascinated by transposing movement into virtual spaces - connecting the dots between points in the body as well as spatial 3D forms. [I make] multimedia dance performance that explores the boundary between physical and virtual space using manipulation of sound and 3D visualization."

Reilly Sinanan
"I’m interested in social phenomena and our attempts to connect with one another by way of personal vulnerability. My work is largely informed by my decade-long involvement in the Pentecostal church and exists somewhere between an accidental laceration and the gradual emergence of pain that closely follows. I belong to what Oscar Wilde described as 'an order for those who cannot believe,' and attempt to reconcile my own experiences in the creation of yet another glossolalic language, enigmatic and pure."

Alice Gosti
"My art is about architecting experiences. For most of my artistic career, dance has been my main medium of expression. However, it was when I discovered film that I recognized the power art has over an experience. Directors and actors shape a viewer’s experience, dig deep in the subconscious, and raise questions. The world on a two-dimensional screen can change my perspective. I want art to do the same."

Kinetic Thirds runs March 6-29, 2014 at SOIL Gallery
Interstitial Theatre benefits from nonprofit status as an associated program of Shunpike.

Consider supporting Interstitial Theatre today with a tax-deductible donation. Every dollar helps us continue to create opportunities for video artists to exhibit in Seattle.


Thank you for your support!