Find out what past Interstitial Artists are up to...

Jesse Sugarmann first exhibited with Interstitial Theatre in 2011 and as part of the summer Mobile Screen Tour. To support Sugarmann's art practice, Creative Capital recently awarded him funding to open the only Pontiac car dealership in the world! Find out about this project by watching his video presentation.
Erica Scourti first shared her investigatory video art with Seattleites during the summer of 2012 in her solo exhibit at Interstitial Theatre. Scourti a Greek born UK artist is known world-wide for her web series Life in AdWords. She continues to tap her obsession with social media and online communication as a catalyst for artistic exploration. Check out this video trailer of her moving image performance work.

Sarah Bliss explores deep emotions within her video art installations. You likely saw her video art at Interstitial Theatre's recent exhibit RINSE|REUSE|REPEAT or recall her solo show at Interstitial's SoDO space in 2012. In a more recent installation, The Poetics of Skin she collaborated with sculptor Rosalyn Driscoll who often works with rawhide to develop beautiful forms. Take a look at the video documentation from Bliss and Driscoll's collaborative endeavor.
Derek Larson exhibited at Interstitial Theatre as part of AUDIO/VISUAL Show in 2011 and is a contributing artist to VIDEO//YOGA. Some of Larson's more recent work looks at the economy of the new-age self-help world. Take a walk through Tantric Wealth to see how he turns video into sculpture.